Head of Rezidence na Bradle Efremov reveals construction news and other plans | K&L Rock 1
K&L Rock Group / News / Head of Rezidence na Bradle Efremov reveals construction news and other plans

Head of Rezidence na Bradle Efremov reveals construction news and other plans

Published by: 09.11.2023 13:51:51

One of our flagships. The Residence at Bradla project. While most people focus on the capital, we went to the Highlands, to Světlá nad Sázavou. And why Světlá nad Sázavou? The director of the division Mgr. Artem Efremov, who is in charge of the whole project.

"One of the reasons was certainly the fact that Jan Lobo, co-founder of K&L ROCK, comes from the Highlands and is aware of the potential the location offers.  In addition, the opportunity arose to buy a building plot in Světlá nad Sázavou and we went for it almost without hesitation. Another supporting factor was that nothing new in terms of residential projects has been built in the town for a long time and, moreover, the forecast for the development of this town looks very positive."

What stage is the construction currently at?

"Fortunately, everything is going great. We are currently in the phase of rough construction, utility distribution and the last floor remains. We hope that by January 2024 the building will be completely closed and we will start on the interiors."

Why do you personally think people should choose the Rezidence na Bradle project? Either for their own home or as an investment apartment?

"First of all, I would like to mention the high standard of our project, we decided not to skimp on standards. The project has only large-format windows in all rooms, each apartment has at least 1 balcony and the front gardens of the apartments on the ground floor are at least 50 m². We think that giving people a high standard is more important than wringing the project to maximize profit at any cost. Profit from a project is a one-off thing, the satisfaction of the future owners of the flats and the reputation for quality housing that we provide as a developer is a long term and much more valuable benefit."


"Another factor is definitely the future development of the city. In the near future, the construction of the high-speed line Prague - Brno - Ostrava with a stop in Světlá nad Sázavou is planned, which means that a journey by a comfortable train connection from Světlá to Prague, for example, will take approximately 40 minutes. I think this is an excellent and competitive argument that will not only enhance the comfort of living, but also attract a large influx of investors to the town from all over the country. Therefore, I think that new flats in Světlá will increase significantly in price in 5 to 8 years."

The price may seem high for the region. Is it well chosen?

"I would venture to say that the price is not high at all and is in fact very good, given the standards and the exceptional location. Moreover, it is not possible to make a relevant comparison as there are no similar projects in Svetla and the surrounding area."

Given that it looks like Světlá nad Sázavou is really hitting the mark, are there any other plans in the area?

"Definitely. We see huge development potential in Světlá and we have decided to buy more building land in the town. It will be a really big project with a volume of about 90 flats, high standard and unique infrastructure elements. Unfortunately, I cannot say more about this as the project is in the pipeline. I think its implementation could be sometime in 2026-2027. Keep an eye on the KLROCK website and you will surely get to know the details of the project once this project has a clear face."


Currently, the project has more than a quarter of the apartments under reservation. All information is available on the website www.rezidencenabradle.cz, where you can also follow the construction progress not only in the form of photos but also live streaming.

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